Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Last 10 Years

As I was looking around on Facebook this morning and watching the videos from the time capsule, I am reminded of how much my life has changed in 10 years.

In the year 2000, I wasn't even dating my husband. In fact, I don't even think I was dating anyone and my husband was dating someone else at the time. He wasn't even in my mind as someone I mind be interested in dating. I was 23 years old and wasn't even thinking about who I was going to marry. I was working for my dad at his optical shop and pondering about what to do with school. I still lived in Oklahoma and our house was on Czech Hall Rd.

So what has happened in my life over the last 10 years?

I tried going back to school to work on my French Education degree. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out due to moves, life changes, and goal changes. I have decided that I truely do want to be a nurse and maybe study French and Spanish as a minor.
In May 2001, Brendan and I started talking at the Tyler Young Speaker's Meeting. It was in that same month (at the end of the month) at the Washington Young Speaker's Meeting that I bought a bridal magazine because I knew that is who I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

September 2001, the World Trade Center bombing happened and it changed many people's lives forever. It was at that time that I told Brendan that I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and that I was so thankful to have him in my life. December 2001, we welcomed Rebecca and Katrina into our family.

I got engaged in March 2002 and moved to Texas in August 2002.

I got married July 2003. Brendan graduated college in August 2003. We made the decision to start looking for jobs back in Oklahoma at the end of 2003.

We moved to Oklahoma in February 2004. Brendan got a wonderful job with Farmers Insurance. October 2004, I found out I was pregnant. December 2004, I miscarried.

April 2005, I found out I was pregnant again!!!! July 2005, we found out we were going to be having a little girl. December 8, 2005 Ashlynn Lauren Wallace was born.

March 2006, I had my very first surgery. September 2006, I watched one of my dearest and my oldest friend get married and become a member of the extended Butler family.

April 2007, I got to go and visit Brendan in Chicago while he was there for work. June 2007, my wonderful sister-in-law got married!! Brendan, Ashlynn, and I were all in the wedding. Ashlynn was the absolute cutest flower girl ever!!! October 2007, we welcomed another member into the family when my brother married Allysa. October 2007, we found out we were expecting again and Ashlynn was going to be a big sister.

June 11, 2008 Peyton Mackenzie Wallace was born. July 2008, my sister Jodi moved to Arkansas for school. September 2008, I quit working full time to be a SAHM.

2009 also had lots of memories!! I went to LA in January to visit Brendan while he was there for work. In March I drove to Tulsa to see the New Kids On The Block in concert (one the best ever). In May, Jodi moved back home (yay!!!) In August, Brendan turned 30!!

Now we are in the year 2010. What has happened so far?
Well, in March we found we were expecting another baby!!! In June, we found out we were having another little girl!!!

As you can see, most of my life is now focused on my family and trying to be the best mom I can. I love where my life is. It gets better and better every year. I have a wonderful family. I have a fantastic husband who is also a marvelous dad!!! I have awesome friends and have made new friendships over the last 10 years. I have no regrets. I know that all things happen for a reason and you shouldn't regret things because they help to make you who you are today.

Sorry for the long blog, but I felt compelled to journal what has been going on in the last 10 years.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The new me indeed!!!

I'm not a regular blogger, but I like to have it available for sharing life experiences and such.

When I started this it was to help keep me accountable for my weight loss. Well when I found out we were expecting our 3rd child, I realized that the weight loss adventure was going to be put on hold for at least 9 months!!

It is still a new me though. I will now become the mom of 3 little girls and try to figure out how to balance parenthood, being a wife, and overall being a Christian example to my family and my friends. So, the blog does have an appropriate name.

As of today, I am 20 weeks and 1 day into this pregnancy. On June 15th we found out we were having another girl and I couldn't be happier. Would a little boy been nice, of course, but I know how to do girls. The thought of having another child is just a wonderful thought to me. I can't wait to meet Miss Mason Nicole!!!

I am anxious to see how Peyton responds to having another little addition in the house. Ashlynn is very excited about her new baby sister.