Friday, June 25, 2010

The new me indeed!!!

I'm not a regular blogger, but I like to have it available for sharing life experiences and such.

When I started this it was to help keep me accountable for my weight loss. Well when I found out we were expecting our 3rd child, I realized that the weight loss adventure was going to be put on hold for at least 9 months!!

It is still a new me though. I will now become the mom of 3 little girls and try to figure out how to balance parenthood, being a wife, and overall being a Christian example to my family and my friends. So, the blog does have an appropriate name.

As of today, I am 20 weeks and 1 day into this pregnancy. On June 15th we found out we were having another girl and I couldn't be happier. Would a little boy been nice, of course, but I know how to do girls. The thought of having another child is just a wonderful thought to me. I can't wait to meet Miss Mason Nicole!!!

I am anxious to see how Peyton responds to having another little addition in the house. Ashlynn is very excited about her new baby sister.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I love the name you have chosen and I love the fact that you're a great Mom. These 3 girls are going to call you mom forever and be blessed in all ways. I can only imagine the love and devotion you feel and stress too. haha I am so glad that you take such pride in your girls and I love how you love them. You are a very special woman and a spectacular mom!!! Congrats on baby Mason Nicole. Can't wait to meet her. Love you all!!!
