Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 Weeks!!! 8 weeks and Counting!!!

I can't believe it has been 10 weeks since my last post. Boy do I feel negligent.

As you can see, I'm not the most diligent person in the world. I'm doing better though.

I've been a SAHM for almost 2 years now. The one thing I've had to learn to do is to manage my time better. It's taken me almost 2 years to get into a decent routine. When I first started staying home, I lost all concept of time. I'd get preoccupied with goofing off on the computer that I would look down and notice that half of the day was gone. Then I would realize that I hadn't accomplished anything!! If anything, it taught me how to be a better time manager and a better housekeeper.

Am I saying that I don't have lazy days? No way. There are still days when I just feel blah and can't stay motivated. However, having two kiddos at home makes it rather hard to have lazy days. Now with #3 soon to arrive, I've been doing my best to keep a tighter schedule so I don't get behind on things. One thing that has helped me keep on track is to start the day off with a chore. It is usually laundry. We have a ton of it!! If I stay on top of it then it is less overwhelming. I have also tried to keep up with the dishes. I have found, for myself, that if the dishwasher is empty whenever dinner is over, then all I have to do is load it up with that evenings dishes.

I know that a lot of this seems like common sense, but it has actually been hard for me to do. I'm not the neatest person in the world and I used that excuse to my advantage. Well I realize that I'm not setting a good example for my kids by being consumed with the computer or television. I'm so thankful for an understanding husband. He very rarely will say anything about the house. All I can say is that I'm getting better. I'm also learning to let go of things and throw them out!!! I'm very sentimental, but I know that I don't need the tag from the shirt I got back in my senior year of high school. :)

Again, another aspect of the new me!!!

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