Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful for...Day 3

Today I'm thankful for my mom.  She's a wonderful example of what a mom should be.  She's available anytime, day or night.  She is open minded when it comes to her advice.  She tries to make me see both sides of the situation instead of just taking my side.  I really don't know what I would do without her.  She's an amazing mom and an awesome friend.  I absolutely love how she can be there to give me advice, let me use her as a sounding board, or just hang out with and play catch up.  She is one of my best friends.  I pray that I have the same kind of relationships with my daughters when they are my age.  Thank you mom for being amazing!!!  I love you!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful for...

Today I am thankful for my husband, Brendan.  He is a wonderful Christian husband and father.  I feel extremely blessed to have him in my life.  There are times when I sit and wonder what I did to deserve to have such a wonderful person as my spouse.  He's also a great role model to our girls.  They definitely love their daddy.  I thank the Lord every day for bringing him into my life.  If you would have asked me 11 years ago if I would have thought about dating Brendan, I probably would have answered no.  He was a friend that I didn't really think of like that (not to mention he was dating someone else at the time).  Here we are after 8 years of marriage and 3 little girls and life just keeps getting better!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Month

November 1, 2011--Where has the time gone?  The month of October is officially over and this month will bring on more weather changes and my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.

Along with a new month is work on a new me.  The past month I was not diligent on working on my weight loss, but today is a new day.  I have a lofty goal for the month of November.  My goal is to be down 15 lbs by the end of November.  I fell 5 lbs short of my goal for October.  Another goal is to walk 2-3 miles at least 5 days a week and continue on my C25K program.  I am going to start week 3 over this week because it has been a couple of weeks since I've done the program.

With this being the month of November and the month that has Thanksgiving in it, I figured I'd challenge myself to write about something I'm thankful for and why daily.

Today I'm thankful for the Lord.  I know that even in my most stressful times, I can always turn to God to help relieve my stress.  If only I could remember this all the time.  The last year has been a great one and I know that whatever blessings I have are all from God.

Here is to a great month!!!