Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Month

November 1, 2011--Where has the time gone?  The month of October is officially over and this month will bring on more weather changes and my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.

Along with a new month is work on a new me.  The past month I was not diligent on working on my weight loss, but today is a new day.  I have a lofty goal for the month of November.  My goal is to be down 15 lbs by the end of November.  I fell 5 lbs short of my goal for October.  Another goal is to walk 2-3 miles at least 5 days a week and continue on my C25K program.  I am going to start week 3 over this week because it has been a couple of weeks since I've done the program.

With this being the month of November and the month that has Thanksgiving in it, I figured I'd challenge myself to write about something I'm thankful for and why daily.

Today I'm thankful for the Lord.  I know that even in my most stressful times, I can always turn to God to help relieve my stress.  If only I could remember this all the time.  The last year has been a great one and I know that whatever blessings I have are all from God.

Here is to a great month!!!

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