Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 5

Well I have not quite been as diligent the past couple of days, but I'm not going to lose my focus. I have been doing well with the eating, but not exercising like I know I should be. The first few weeks for me is always the hardest.

Breakfast: 3 pack of chicken minis from Chic-fil-a
Lunch: tuna fish sandwich and noodles
dinner: chili (yummy)

Breakfast: I was bad and failed to eat breakfast
Lunch: Parmesan crusted blackened tilapia and rice
Dinner: Spaghetti

Breakfast: Also bad and didn't eat breakfast
Lunch: potato soup
dinner: chicken noodle soup

I know that my last few days have not been good with my meal choices (or lack there of), but I am going through withdrawals of eating junk. I hate this part of starting a new lifestyle. Hopefully my weigh-in on Monday will show some progress. Here's to the new me!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2

Let's see, day 1 went well. I started my workout routine and I am just going to build up time. I did 10 minutes (nonstop) on the elliptical. Baby steps is how I see it. I plan to build up my time to 30 minutes.

Food for 1/4/09:
Breakfast casserole (low-fat)
homemade pizza w/ham and pineapple (2 small pieces)
chicken lo mein (homemade)

Breakfast casserole
Egg roll (I know this isn't the best lunch, but time got away from me and I knew I had to eat something)
Smoked porkchops and 1/2 baked potato

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a new year!!

I know that there are a lot of resolutions made this time of year on losing weight. I have made the same resolution year after year. I never seem to quite see it all the way through. At the start of the year, I am focused, geared up, and ready to go. However, sometime through the year I tend to lose my enthusiasm and my will power. Well not this year.

Last year, I decided at the first of the year that I was going to get busy and lose weight!!! I did great for the first 6 months of the year. I actually ended up losing 35 lbs and then we went on vacation. I seem to have the hardest time staying on track while I am on vacation. I did lose weight last year, but it wasn't quite the amount I wanted. I ended up losing a total of 25 lbs.

This year, I would like to get to my goal weight. Brendan and I have talked about having at least one more baby, but I told him that I would like to get to my goal weight before even thinking about trying. Some people may wonder why go through all that weight loss just to gain weight again. My main purpose is so that I am healthier and will not be overweight when and if we do decide to have another child. With both Ashlynn and Peyton I had, what my doctor called, gestational hypertension. This may stay even if I am thinner, but I would like to find out if being overweight was causing the hypertension and the swelling. It would be nice to not have the problems if possible.

So this is my goal for this year. I plan on logging in at least once a day and giving an update of food diary, exercise, weight, etc....

So, until tomorrow.