Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is the end of the first week. I am not weighing in today because I have a visitor with me ;)

This tends to bring on bloating, water retention, and all-around blah feeling.

Tomorrow will be the day!!! I can't wait to see where I am.

My goals for this coming week:
Maintain weight loss
Lose at least a pound
Start working out
Drink my water diligently

Do we reward ourselves when we achieve our short-term goals? Or do we wait and reward ourselves when we hit a more long-term goal? Your thoughts on this.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 (again)

I am definitely more focused this time around. I can feel it.

I know that yesterday's weight loss is not normal, but it did help. Being sick though is not a healthy way to lose weight.

I am much better today thank goodness. I am making healthier choices. It even started when I was leaving Target. I really wanted to do the lazy thing and grab something for the girls and I when I headed home, but I talked myself out of it. Ashlynn is usually happy with a pb&j sandwich. Peyton is good with chicken nuggets. I'm glad that they are not picky eaters. It helps me to stay encouraged knowing that I can always feed my girls at home and don't need to go out. With that being said, I didn't even drive my car the way I would to go to a fast food place. I brought the girls home, made them lunch and fixed myself a couple pieces of blackened parmesan crusted tilapia. It was very yummy and filling. I'm very glad for not giving into my bad food want and coming home and eating sensible.

A website I frequently visit is Sparkpeople. It is a great site full of wonderful advice, recipes, and people all working on the same goals. I love this site. I am on the Daily weigh-in team. One of my teammates sent me an email with some encouraging words. I may have been kidding myself with some of my goals. She gave me some food for thought. I am going to reevaluate my goals and see if I can't make them more realistic.

As of today I am down 3.6 lbs. A good start!! Here's to the new me!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Starting Over

I have an issue with not staying motivated and keeping with my goals. I goofed off the first month instead of being focused and keeping my eye on the prize (so to speak).

February 1st is my new start date. I weighed in and decided to give myself a goal of 8-10 pounds a month. It's totally doable. I hope thatI'm not being unrealistic.

I know that people say not to weigh in daily, but weighing in on a daily basis helps me to stay focused. I have noticed that when I only weigh once a week, I forfeit my hard work during the week and just go crazy on the weekend.

I am serious this time. It is something I have focused on and meditated about. I really do want to be healthy. I want to be thinner, not just for my husband and my kids, but for me. I want to be able to play with my children and not get tired after a few minutes. I want to take aerobics classes at the gym and make it throughout the class w/minimal stopping. I want to workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes w/o stopping. I want to be able to wear some of the clothes that I bought whenever I lost weight before having Peyton. I want to be the size I was when Brendan and I started dating. I want to wake up in the morning and get out of bed and the heels of my feet not ache. Shouldnt' be too much to ask for. I just need to stay focused. I also need to rely on God to help keep my strong and just remember that all things are possible with Him.

This journey will be a long one, but a lasting one.