Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is the end of the first week. I am not weighing in today because I have a visitor with me ;)

This tends to bring on bloating, water retention, and all-around blah feeling.

Tomorrow will be the day!!! I can't wait to see where I am.

My goals for this coming week:
Maintain weight loss
Lose at least a pound
Start working out
Drink my water diligently

Do we reward ourselves when we achieve our short-term goals? Or do we wait and reward ourselves when we hit a more long-term goal? Your thoughts on this.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with this question too. One thing I have learned is that the reward CANNOT be food!

    When I was with Weight Watchers they celebrated every 5 pounds lost and that was always inspiring. I would celebrate each pound lost in this way as the short-term goals.

    As for long-term, I would consider something like a new outfit.
