Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How To Keep The Motivation?!?

Well the Biggest Loser challenged has ended and I'm finding myself losing my motivation.  I think part of my loss is due to things going on at home that have prohibited me from being able to walk on a daily basis.  This week there has been a change in weather and Peyton has been a little under the weather so this has kept me indoors.  However, I did find a little solution to my issue.  I have a found a video on demand service through our satellite provider called Exercise TV.  Last week I did one episode of kickboxing and I thought my legs were going to fall off.

So here is my new goal:

Walk every day (regardless of weather conditions)
Alternate between kickboxing and pilates every day
Continue my C25K training (on week 4)

I have a goal to lose 8-10 lbs a month so hopefully I'll be to my goal weight by May.

Oh and to give me another little boost, my work is starting their own Biggest Loser competition today.  Can't wait to get this weight off!!

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