Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's Not a Setback, but a Challenge

So last week I thought I was really making some progress.  I thought that I had had this really awesome week. Well imagine my surprise when I get on the scale (at church)

Sunday to only be down 1.4 lbs.  I got very frustrated because what I thought had been this awesome week wasn't near as awesome as I thought.  Going off of my home scale I was down 4lbs!!!  I know that's a lot in a week, but I had been walking and getting more strict on my food.  Well come to find out my scale at home was off by almost 5lbs.  Thankfully this had not been the case during this whole endeavor and it just started last week.

I started to get really frustrated and discouraged, but a good friend of mine told me not be discouraged.  She told me that you could really see that I had lost weight.  So, I am not going to look at the faulty scale as a setback, but a challenge booster.  It helped me to get more in focus and more on track this week and really buckle down.  I did purchase another scale though.

A couple of weeks ago, me and 4 other ladies from church have started walking twice a week.  The park that we meet at has an awesome walking track and we can get a good 3.5 miles in.  I was thinking today that if I can do that twice a week, what's to stop me from doing it every day???  So starting tomorrow I'm going to start walking 3 miles a day.  I had already worked up to 2 miles a day and am handling it really well.  I'm ready to step up my game.

As of today, I'm down 14 lbs from the first of August.  I am not sure of measurements, because I didn't think to do those when I started.  On the first of October I will try to do my measurements so I can see how I'm progressing.  The way I have been charting my progress (besides the scale) is by pulling clothes out of my closet that I haven't worn in a few years.  I wore a t-shirt the other day that I haven't been able to wear since Thanksgiving of 2009.

For those of you that have lost weight, what do you do with your clothes that are too big?  Do you go ahead and get rid of them or keep them?  I plan on getting rid of mine because I am planning on never getting back into them.  I have a ton of clothes that are a couple sizes too small right now, but I plan on getting into them. What I would really like to do is go and by a dress in the my goal size and use that as my motivation.
What do you use for your motivation?  Do you incorporate your friends to help hold you accountable?  When you hit a plateau, what do you do to help break it?

Thanks for reading and I hope that I have more loss to share in the future.

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