Friday, January 6, 2012

Stay Tuned...

The blog will be back after the weekend. Too much going on and traveling to collect my thoughts and write. Be back Monday.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Why is it that at times we let the littlest things get to us? Why can't we just let it go and get on with our lives? I have heard this saying over and over again, but had not really thought much about it until this past week. I have spent the last week with those who let little things get to them. I am not a fan of clean clothes on the floor, but I they happen to fall...oh well. I know I'll get over it. Why make a big deal about it? They are clothes. It's not like the floor was covered with spaghetti sauce.

We all know that staying in a hotel bed is not like your own bed. The sheets may not fit just right, but should this be cause for ruining your morning? Just put the sheet back on, fluff your pillow, close your eyes, and go back to sleep.

I am so thankful that my mom has told me time and time again not to sweat the small stuff. After this week, I will do my best to put these words into play more often.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Procrastination.....A Dirty Word

Procrastination is a dirty word in deed. However, it is one that is all to familiar in my vocabulary. I have never been known for being creative, but I sure have tried. I have recently been introduced to Pinterest and have used some of the ideas on there for recent birthday parties. This is where procrastination comes into play. I have recently found that it is way cheaper to do my own baking then to buy a cake for these parties. What I thought would have taken a couple of hours turned into a long, sleepless night. After doing this twice, I have decided to do my best to not procrastinate so much. I hated finding myself running around crazy because I didn't utilize my time in a more proficient manner.

So this year I am planning on not procrastinating so much. I am planning on being better prepared and making better use of my time. I would like to enjoy my daughters' birthday parties and not be so stressed before them. Peyton's birthday is June and I have already started doing some planning. Yep, this year I will beat procrastination!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

365 Day Challenge-Day 2

Saturday Brendan, the girls, and I loaded up the van to start a trip up to Montana. We managed to drive in three different states both Saturday and Sunday. We went from 50 degree weather to 17 degree weather. We went from flat landscape to mountains. I can honestly say that I absolutely in awe of God's work. The scenery up here is just gorgeous!! I have never questioned my faith or wondered whether or not God existed, but if I ever did after today I don't think I would anymore. The mountains literally looked like they were hand carved by God. I have been to Montana many times and have never fully appreciated the beautiful landscape. I am so thankful that I get to share this place with my family. The girls absolutely love the fact that their is snow on the ground and Brendan loves the nice cool temps. I just love the state.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year and a New Me!!

This year, I hope, to remake myself into a new me. I would like to build up my spiritual life and make my relationship with God a closer one. I would like to finally get to my goal weight. I also have two 365 day challenges for myself. One is to blog every day whether it's about something I have going on or holding myself accountable to my weight loss journey. Two is to read through the entire bible this year. This is one I struggle with every year, but I really would like to accomplish it this time.

So here is to a year of change and full of accomplishments!!