Thursday, January 5, 2012

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Why is it that at times we let the littlest things get to us? Why can't we just let it go and get on with our lives? I have heard this saying over and over again, but had not really thought much about it until this past week. I have spent the last week with those who let little things get to them. I am not a fan of clean clothes on the floor, but I they happen to fall...oh well. I know I'll get over it. Why make a big deal about it? They are clothes. It's not like the floor was covered with spaghetti sauce.

We all know that staying in a hotel bed is not like your own bed. The sheets may not fit just right, but should this be cause for ruining your morning? Just put the sheet back on, fluff your pillow, close your eyes, and go back to sleep.

I am so thankful that my mom has told me time and time again not to sweat the small stuff. After this week, I will do my best to put these words into play more often.

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