Friday, September 2, 2011

Month 1 gone!!

So the last time I wrote was August 1st.  I decided last month to give up fried foods.  I am happy to report that for the most part I was able to stay fried food free.  There were two instances when I slipped up and one of them was unconsciously done.  I find this to be a big victory in my book.  I plan on continuing the trend.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it was.  In face it has proven to be a lot cheaper by cutting out fries from fast food meals.  It has also forced me to make better decisions while eating out.

For the next month my goal is to continue with not eating fried foods.  I am also planning on limiting the time I eat out to once maybe twice a week, that goes for lunch as well.  I'm trying my best to count calories and watch my sugar and carb in take.  Also, since school has started, I have made it my mission to get dressed for walking.  After I drop Ashlynn off at school, the girls and I head to the park for a good walk.  I was able to walk three times this week.  I also found a neat little app that tracks my distance, time, and calories burnt for me.

Here are three things I find have helped me in this journey:

1. Lose It! app-It has helped me to track my calories, tell me how many calories I can have, and also show me where I am on my weight loss.

2. has helped me to find low carb recipes using chicken or ground turkey.  Since Brendan is diabetic, I try to cook as low carb as possible.

3. Log Your Run Free app-This app is free and it tracks my distance, time, and calories burnt.  You can customize it with routes.  It also keeps a log of your stats for the day, week, and month.  I really like this one!!!

So that's how the last month has gone.  Oh, did I forget to mention that I lost 11 lbs. last month!!!  WOO HOO!!!  Very excited about this.  I am officially under my pre-pregnancy weight.  I hope the next month is just as successful.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, that is awesome! Good work! And I think your attitude and approach will help you be successful! I'm so excited! I totally think you should post a before picture and current picture when you post!!
