Saturday, November 27, 2010

wallace christmas card

Joyeux Noel Ornament Christmas Card
Shop Shutterfly for elegant custom Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 Weeks!!! 8 weeks and Counting!!!

I can't believe it has been 10 weeks since my last post. Boy do I feel negligent.

As you can see, I'm not the most diligent person in the world. I'm doing better though.

I've been a SAHM for almost 2 years now. The one thing I've had to learn to do is to manage my time better. It's taken me almost 2 years to get into a decent routine. When I first started staying home, I lost all concept of time. I'd get preoccupied with goofing off on the computer that I would look down and notice that half of the day was gone. Then I would realize that I hadn't accomplished anything!! If anything, it taught me how to be a better time manager and a better housekeeper.

Am I saying that I don't have lazy days? No way. There are still days when I just feel blah and can't stay motivated. However, having two kiddos at home makes it rather hard to have lazy days. Now with #3 soon to arrive, I've been doing my best to keep a tighter schedule so I don't get behind on things. One thing that has helped me keep on track is to start the day off with a chore. It is usually laundry. We have a ton of it!! If I stay on top of it then it is less overwhelming. I have also tried to keep up with the dishes. I have found, for myself, that if the dishwasher is empty whenever dinner is over, then all I have to do is load it up with that evenings dishes.

I know that a lot of this seems like common sense, but it has actually been hard for me to do. I'm not the neatest person in the world and I used that excuse to my advantage. Well I realize that I'm not setting a good example for my kids by being consumed with the computer or television. I'm so thankful for an understanding husband. He very rarely will say anything about the house. All I can say is that I'm getting better. I'm also learning to let go of things and throw them out!!! I'm very sentimental, but I know that I don't need the tag from the shirt I got back in my senior year of high school. :)

Again, another aspect of the new me!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Week 22 and counting

This is day number 155 and you're 22 weeks pregnant!
You have 125 days or 18 weeks left, and are 55.4% of the way there.

Time does fly when you're having fun!!! I try to look at it as fun anyways. I can honestly say that I enjoy being pregnant. I know that there are a lot of symptoms that come with being pregnant, and I say bring them on. I think that any person who struggles with getting pregnant, has had a miscarriage, or has had multiple miscarriages will say the same thing.

I remember asking my mom, when I was younger, if she thought I would have any problem getting pregnant. She didn't think I would and I was definitely living on her optimism whenever we decided to try having a baby. I remember the very first time I saw that positive pregnancy test back in October 2004. Brendan and I were so excited. I remember going in for my first appointment and seeing that little heartbeat on the screen. It was still hard to believe that that little baby was inside me. I remember going to our next appointment (I was almost 14 weeks). I remember them putting the doppler on my stomach and not being able to pick up anything. They pulled in the u/s machine and there was no hb. Brendan and I were devestated. I just couldn't imagine why this had happened. Of course I automatically thought that it was something I had done. I remember the Saturday before I found out we were pregnant, I had fallen and taken advil to help with my swollen ankle. I was just sure that was why I had lost the baby. It wasn't until later that I found out that 60% of first time pregnancies end in a miscarriage. This was on December 24, 2004.

I found out in April 2005 that I was pregnant again!! I'm so thankful that my mom was right. I was afraid that it was going to take a while to get pregnant after having my miscarriage. I remember going in for my first appointment and just praying that everything would be good. We got to see our little baby on the screen and see that beautiful little heart beating. I remember having a lot of anxiety right before the second appointment. I can honestly say one of the most beautiful sounds is hearing that heartbeat for the first time!! Such a wonderful sound!!! I remember being anxious before every appointment because I was so afraid that something was going to be wrong. Looking back now, if I had just put all my faith in God, my anxiety level would not have been as high. In December 2005, Ashlynn Lauren graced us with her presence and life has never been the same since.

I said all that to say this, when I got pregnant with Ashlynn I welcomed every symptom that came with the pregnancy. I was just so thankful to be having a baby and so thankful that the baby was healthy. Here I am, pregnant with baby 3, and am still welcoming every symptom and trying to not complain. I think back to the verse we tell Ashlynn to recite whenever she starts to complain (Phil 2:14-Do everything without complaining or arguing). I know that it will do me no good to complain about it. In fact, if all I do is complain then who would want to listen to me anymore. I'm not saying that being pregnant isn't hard. I know it is. This is my 4th time and with each one the symptoms are progressively worse. However, I'm just thankful for the fact that I am able to have children and look at each pregnancy as a blessing.

Do I get sick? I do, and this time it lasted into my 16th week. I remember getting excited whenever I went the whole week w/o throwing up!! It's the little things that make me happy. Do I sleep well? Some days yes, some days no. Is it hard to do everyday tasks the bigger my belly gets? Of course it is, but I don't let it stop me or get me down. Do I have swelling? Right now I don't, but with Ashlynn and Peyton I had ridiculous swelling. My ankles were so big and tight it would hurt to walk. The swelling is one of the main reasons I had to be induced with Peyton. Do I have mood swings? Like you wouldn't believe. My poor husband is usually at the brunt of my mood swings too. He takes it all in stride. He's a wonderful support system and I know that there is no way I could get through a day w/o him here.

I know that this is kind of lengthy, but it is something that has been on my chest and I needed to get it off. I'm so very thankful that I am able to have children. I know that it is hard for some and even impossible to conceive and that is why I choose not to complain. I have 18 weeks to go and I keep praying that my blood pressure and swelling do not get out of control like they have with the other two pregnancies. Here's to the next 18 weeks!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Last 10 Years

As I was looking around on Facebook this morning and watching the videos from the time capsule, I am reminded of how much my life has changed in 10 years.

In the year 2000, I wasn't even dating my husband. In fact, I don't even think I was dating anyone and my husband was dating someone else at the time. He wasn't even in my mind as someone I mind be interested in dating. I was 23 years old and wasn't even thinking about who I was going to marry. I was working for my dad at his optical shop and pondering about what to do with school. I still lived in Oklahoma and our house was on Czech Hall Rd.

So what has happened in my life over the last 10 years?

I tried going back to school to work on my French Education degree. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out due to moves, life changes, and goal changes. I have decided that I truely do want to be a nurse and maybe study French and Spanish as a minor.
In May 2001, Brendan and I started talking at the Tyler Young Speaker's Meeting. It was in that same month (at the end of the month) at the Washington Young Speaker's Meeting that I bought a bridal magazine because I knew that is who I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

September 2001, the World Trade Center bombing happened and it changed many people's lives forever. It was at that time that I told Brendan that I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and that I was so thankful to have him in my life. December 2001, we welcomed Rebecca and Katrina into our family.

I got engaged in March 2002 and moved to Texas in August 2002.

I got married July 2003. Brendan graduated college in August 2003. We made the decision to start looking for jobs back in Oklahoma at the end of 2003.

We moved to Oklahoma in February 2004. Brendan got a wonderful job with Farmers Insurance. October 2004, I found out I was pregnant. December 2004, I miscarried.

April 2005, I found out I was pregnant again!!!! July 2005, we found out we were going to be having a little girl. December 8, 2005 Ashlynn Lauren Wallace was born.

March 2006, I had my very first surgery. September 2006, I watched one of my dearest and my oldest friend get married and become a member of the extended Butler family.

April 2007, I got to go and visit Brendan in Chicago while he was there for work. June 2007, my wonderful sister-in-law got married!! Brendan, Ashlynn, and I were all in the wedding. Ashlynn was the absolute cutest flower girl ever!!! October 2007, we welcomed another member into the family when my brother married Allysa. October 2007, we found out we were expecting again and Ashlynn was going to be a big sister.

June 11, 2008 Peyton Mackenzie Wallace was born. July 2008, my sister Jodi moved to Arkansas for school. September 2008, I quit working full time to be a SAHM.

2009 also had lots of memories!! I went to LA in January to visit Brendan while he was there for work. In March I drove to Tulsa to see the New Kids On The Block in concert (one the best ever). In May, Jodi moved back home (yay!!!) In August, Brendan turned 30!!

Now we are in the year 2010. What has happened so far?
Well, in March we found we were expecting another baby!!! In June, we found out we were having another little girl!!!

As you can see, most of my life is now focused on my family and trying to be the best mom I can. I love where my life is. It gets better and better every year. I have a wonderful family. I have a fantastic husband who is also a marvelous dad!!! I have awesome friends and have made new friendships over the last 10 years. I have no regrets. I know that all things happen for a reason and you shouldn't regret things because they help to make you who you are today.

Sorry for the long blog, but I felt compelled to journal what has been going on in the last 10 years.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The new me indeed!!!

I'm not a regular blogger, but I like to have it available for sharing life experiences and such.

When I started this it was to help keep me accountable for my weight loss. Well when I found out we were expecting our 3rd child, I realized that the weight loss adventure was going to be put on hold for at least 9 months!!

It is still a new me though. I will now become the mom of 3 little girls and try to figure out how to balance parenthood, being a wife, and overall being a Christian example to my family and my friends. So, the blog does have an appropriate name.

As of today, I am 20 weeks and 1 day into this pregnancy. On June 15th we found out we were having another girl and I couldn't be happier. Would a little boy been nice, of course, but I know how to do girls. The thought of having another child is just a wonderful thought to me. I can't wait to meet Miss Mason Nicole!!!

I am anxious to see how Peyton responds to having another little addition in the house. Ashlynn is very excited about her new baby sister.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is the end of the first week. I am not weighing in today because I have a visitor with me ;)

This tends to bring on bloating, water retention, and all-around blah feeling.

Tomorrow will be the day!!! I can't wait to see where I am.

My goals for this coming week:
Maintain weight loss
Lose at least a pound
Start working out
Drink my water diligently

Do we reward ourselves when we achieve our short-term goals? Or do we wait and reward ourselves when we hit a more long-term goal? Your thoughts on this.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 (again)

I am definitely more focused this time around. I can feel it.

I know that yesterday's weight loss is not normal, but it did help. Being sick though is not a healthy way to lose weight.

I am much better today thank goodness. I am making healthier choices. It even started when I was leaving Target. I really wanted to do the lazy thing and grab something for the girls and I when I headed home, but I talked myself out of it. Ashlynn is usually happy with a pb&j sandwich. Peyton is good with chicken nuggets. I'm glad that they are not picky eaters. It helps me to stay encouraged knowing that I can always feed my girls at home and don't need to go out. With that being said, I didn't even drive my car the way I would to go to a fast food place. I brought the girls home, made them lunch and fixed myself a couple pieces of blackened parmesan crusted tilapia. It was very yummy and filling. I'm very glad for not giving into my bad food want and coming home and eating sensible.

A website I frequently visit is Sparkpeople. It is a great site full of wonderful advice, recipes, and people all working on the same goals. I love this site. I am on the Daily weigh-in team. One of my teammates sent me an email with some encouraging words. I may have been kidding myself with some of my goals. She gave me some food for thought. I am going to reevaluate my goals and see if I can't make them more realistic.

As of today I am down 3.6 lbs. A good start!! Here's to the new me!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Starting Over

I have an issue with not staying motivated and keeping with my goals. I goofed off the first month instead of being focused and keeping my eye on the prize (so to speak).

February 1st is my new start date. I weighed in and decided to give myself a goal of 8-10 pounds a month. It's totally doable. I hope thatI'm not being unrealistic.

I know that people say not to weigh in daily, but weighing in on a daily basis helps me to stay focused. I have noticed that when I only weigh once a week, I forfeit my hard work during the week and just go crazy on the weekend.

I am serious this time. It is something I have focused on and meditated about. I really do want to be healthy. I want to be thinner, not just for my husband and my kids, but for me. I want to be able to play with my children and not get tired after a few minutes. I want to take aerobics classes at the gym and make it throughout the class w/minimal stopping. I want to workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes w/o stopping. I want to be able to wear some of the clothes that I bought whenever I lost weight before having Peyton. I want to be the size I was when Brendan and I started dating. I want to wake up in the morning and get out of bed and the heels of my feet not ache. Shouldnt' be too much to ask for. I just need to stay focused. I also need to rely on God to help keep my strong and just remember that all things are possible with Him.

This journey will be a long one, but a lasting one.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 5

Well I have not quite been as diligent the past couple of days, but I'm not going to lose my focus. I have been doing well with the eating, but not exercising like I know I should be. The first few weeks for me is always the hardest.

Breakfast: 3 pack of chicken minis from Chic-fil-a
Lunch: tuna fish sandwich and noodles
dinner: chili (yummy)

Breakfast: I was bad and failed to eat breakfast
Lunch: Parmesan crusted blackened tilapia and rice
Dinner: Spaghetti

Breakfast: Also bad and didn't eat breakfast
Lunch: potato soup
dinner: chicken noodle soup

I know that my last few days have not been good with my meal choices (or lack there of), but I am going through withdrawals of eating junk. I hate this part of starting a new lifestyle. Hopefully my weigh-in on Monday will show some progress. Here's to the new me!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2

Let's see, day 1 went well. I started my workout routine and I am just going to build up time. I did 10 minutes (nonstop) on the elliptical. Baby steps is how I see it. I plan to build up my time to 30 minutes.

Food for 1/4/09:
Breakfast casserole (low-fat)
homemade pizza w/ham and pineapple (2 small pieces)
chicken lo mein (homemade)

Breakfast casserole
Egg roll (I know this isn't the best lunch, but time got away from me and I knew I had to eat something)
Smoked porkchops and 1/2 baked potato

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a new year!!

I know that there are a lot of resolutions made this time of year on losing weight. I have made the same resolution year after year. I never seem to quite see it all the way through. At the start of the year, I am focused, geared up, and ready to go. However, sometime through the year I tend to lose my enthusiasm and my will power. Well not this year.

Last year, I decided at the first of the year that I was going to get busy and lose weight!!! I did great for the first 6 months of the year. I actually ended up losing 35 lbs and then we went on vacation. I seem to have the hardest time staying on track while I am on vacation. I did lose weight last year, but it wasn't quite the amount I wanted. I ended up losing a total of 25 lbs.

This year, I would like to get to my goal weight. Brendan and I have talked about having at least one more baby, but I told him that I would like to get to my goal weight before even thinking about trying. Some people may wonder why go through all that weight loss just to gain weight again. My main purpose is so that I am healthier and will not be overweight when and if we do decide to have another child. With both Ashlynn and Peyton I had, what my doctor called, gestational hypertension. This may stay even if I am thinner, but I would like to find out if being overweight was causing the hypertension and the swelling. It would be nice to not have the problems if possible.

So this is my goal for this year. I plan on logging in at least once a day and giving an update of food diary, exercise, weight, etc....

So, until tomorrow.